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Berkutschi Premium Partners

Statement zur Absage des Weltcups in Liberec

Erstellt am: 12.12.2014 16:59 / sk

Offizielles Statement des Tschechischen Ski-Verbandes zur Absage des FIS Weltcup Wochenendes im Februar in Liberec:


Based on final analysis of the status of the preparations and of the situation of the TV broadcast space on the territory of the Czech Republic, we must unfortunately take a step that is very unpleasant to us, i.e. return the organization of the FIS Ski Jumping and Nordic Combination World Cup to be held from 7.-8.2.2015.


After considering all potential alternatives, we deem the above stated step to be the only possible solution, for the following reasons:


1. After the organization of this World Cup had been confirmed by the Czech Ski Association, the organization of the Biathlon World Cup was awarded to the Czech Republic for the same weekend.

2. After the last Ice Hockey World Championship, the double ice hockey match Czech Republic - Russia was awarded for the same weekend to the Czech Republic.

3. The Alpine World Ski Championship takes place on the same date, claiming the related broadcasting times of the Czech Television.


That collision of dates leads to substantial restriction of the TV space on the territory of the Czech Republic, to essential increase of costs and the resulting practical impossibility to satisfy the interests of our partners. After having weighed all potential alternatives and also taking into account the situation after the Ski Flying World Championship in Harrachov 2014, influenced by the weather, we cannot afford continuing the preparations for the above stated World Cup in this situation and we are forced to return it back to FIS.


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