If someone had told us three months ago that this man would dominate the ski jumping winter, we would have been surprised. Now we are thrilled with the performance of Daniel Tsc...
Imagine there is a Ski Flying Worldcup in #Oberstdorf and one of the forerunners is a 4 x #olympicchampion and a legend.
@windrider1981 Simon Ammann was training with the SUI t...
Wonderful to see these two legends together in Zakopane.
Still in the same great shape as 20 years ago. OK, lets say: nearly in the same shape as 20 years ago.
Heardly welcome...
Great job in Sapporo, congratulations to Eirin Kvandal, Selina Freitag, Thea Bjoerseth.
What a day in #bischofshofen, it's Jan 6th 2025 . Exciting final of the #vierschanzentournee today with three athletes that can still win the #tournament . #superfinal #superher...
#windy day at the #bergisel #skisprungschanze today. Luckily much less wind forecasted for tomorrow. #vierschanzentournee #skikumping #skijumpingfamily
Das war so geil, dass es ja schon fasst #kitschig war. Gestern beim Auftakt der #vierschanzentournee in #oberstdorf. Grandiose Leistung der #Skispringer und grandiose #Bilder vo...
Weather couldn't be better in #Oberstdorf for the start of the 73. #vierschanzentournee. #lettheshowbegin
When #toomuchsnow stops Wintersport…
No chance today for the best female skijumpers to finish the competition in #Engelberg! Unfortunately!