01 | Wellinger, A. | 143.4 | ||
02 | Kraft, S. | 138.0 | ||
03 | Geiger, K. | 134.3 | ||
04 | Tschofenig, D. | 129.9 | ||
05 | Aigro, A. | 128.1 | ||
Результаты » |
Квалификацию на трамплине HS 94 в Хинценбахе выиграл с прыжком на 89 м Вольфганг Лойтцл. 31-летний австриец завоевал 123.6 очка, вторым был Мануэль Феттнер (118.5 очка).
A veteran won the qualification for the premiere on the HS 94-hill in Hinzenbach. With his jump on 89 m, Wolfgang Loitzl showed that he still has to be reckoned with. The 31-year-old Austrian from Styria captured the victory with 123.6 points, followed by his five years younger teammate Manuel Fettner (118.5 points).
Pictures of the hill in Hinzenbach »
Тройную победу австрийцам не дал одержать Зеверин Фройнд, который, похоже, уже вылечился после травмы. Он занял третье место с результатом 117.1.
Kalinitschenko an old new discovery
Also the Norwegians showed improvement. Rune Velta (8th), Bjoern Einar Romoeren (10th) and Anders Bardal (11th) were among the best. Surprisingly the 12th place went to Russian Anton Kalinitschenko, who is already 29 years old, but seems to get in a good shape now. Kalinitschenko achieved a surprising success in summer 2000 when he was a member of the Russian team that could win in Hinterzarten.
Freund already showed a convincing performance in training. He won the first round and was third in the second round. It was the other way around for Gregor Schlierenzauer: After he was third in the first round, he was the best in the second. Daiki Ito, last summer's overall winner, was second in both training rounds and showed that he seems to be on the right track towards the winter.
Томас Моргенштерн на тренировке был не в лучшей форме, а его соперник Том Хильде выступил еще хуже.