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Длина разгона

With the help of adjustable bars the Jury decides on the length of the inrun. Due to too long or too short jumps or a change of the weather conditions and can get neccessary to change the inrun length that was set before the competition.


Since the introduction of the Gate-Kompensationpoints the jury can also change the inrun gate during a competition and react to changing conditions without making a restart necessary.


The jumpers then get points deducted (longer inrun) or bonuspoints (shorter inrun). The gate factor is calculated for every hill individually with the help of a mathematical formula.


A coach can also move the gate down for one of his athletes, the jumper then has to reach at least 95 % of the hill size in order to get the bonus points for the shorter inrun.


Related links:

Inrun »

Inrun speed »

Jury »

Gate-Factor »