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Hinzenbach is looking forward to the ladies

opprettet på: 04.02.2012 19:25 / km

When the men competed in Hinzenbach for the first time in the FIS Grand Prix in October about 9000 fans came to the new hill not far from the Danube river. This weekend the ladies will have their World Cup premiere in Upper Austria.


With Daniela Iraschko the hosts have one of the favorites among their time and she only wants one thing: "Finally jumper with good weather when the TV stations are there." the chances for that are not bad.


The new facility in Hinzenbach »


If Iraschko wants the home victory, she will have to defeat the season's highflyer: Sarah Hendrickson. She won four out of five World Cup competitions, only in Hinterzarten, under windy and changing conditions, the 17-year-old did not win.


The results of Sarah Hendrickson »


Austrian coach Harald Rodlauer thinks that the US girl will be hard to beat. "She is jumping very well. And she doesn't have the pressure that she has to win here." Besides Iraschko, also French Coline Mattel and the German jumpers want their first win this season.


Japanese Sara Takanashi, who recently won Gold at the Youth Olympic Winter Games,will not compete in Hinzenbach. She will take part again in Ljubno and will also compete at the Junior-World Championships in Erzurum.


The events in Hinzenbach begin with the qualification on Friday at 3:30 pm CET. The two World Cup competitions will then take place on Saturday (1:45 pm) and Sunday (1:15 pm).


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