Schlierenzauer not to Japan - Kofler wants to score

opprettet på: 25.01.2012 10:50 / km

Gregor Schlierenzauer is taking a break in the World Cup. After his 39th victory on Saturday in Zakopane the 4-Hills-Tournament winner said it was already decided some time ago that he will not take the trip to Japan to participate in the World Cups in Sapporo.


"After the last turbulent weeks I'll stay in Austria and compete in the World Cup again in Val di Fiemme", told Schlierenzauer, who focuses more on the ski flying World Championships than on the overall World Cup title. The ski flying events in Norway are the last big goal this season for the Austrian.


Kofler wants to score in Japan


His teammate and opponent in the fight for this season's overall title, Andreas Kofler, looks at it differently. "I'm healthy and feeling good. There's no reason why I should not compete in Japan", said Kofler, who never won the overall World Cup so far.


Kofler is also not known to be an excellent ski flyer, he was never on the podium in an individual event. Kofler can extend his lead in Sapporo to more than 200 points ahead of Schlierenzauer.