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Strong Norwegian team

opprettet på: 29.01.2012 17:21 / km

Daiki Ito travels to Europe with two wins in Sapporo and will compete in the next World Cups with a lot of self confidence. Only one day after his first ever win in the World Cup, the 26-year-old triumphed also on Sunday at the Okurayama-hill in Sapporo.


With 243.7 points Ito won ahead of Kamil Stoch of Poland, who reached 241.6 points. On Saturday the Japanese won with only 0.1 points ahead of Anders Bardal.


See the best jumps from Sapporo »


Kamil Stoch


The results of Daiki Ito »


"Of course I'm very happy. Before this weekend I would have never thought that I would be able to win twice here in Sapporo. After the first round today I also didn't think about a possible second victory, I was only focusing on my jump. I had the feeling that my jumps today were even better than yesterday", said the winner.


Stoch satisfied with the weekend


Also Stoch was satisfied with his two podium results. "I'm happy that I took the trip to Japan. I did a very good job here and now have a lot of self-confidence for the next competitions. The competition here was only very high level and it was very tight", said Stoch.


The third place went to overall World Cup leader Andreas Kofler. With 241.3 points he was only 0.3 points behind Stoch and was also satisfied with his performance. "My shape is getting better and now I'm looking forward to the next competitions. Yesterday was not a good day for us Austrians, but today everything went well. The Japanese are hard to beat on their home hill and Daiki was simply unbeatable this weekend", Kofler said.


Roman Koudelka from the Czech Republic finished on a strong fourth place, Norwegian Vegard Haukoe Sklett was fifth, ahead of the best German Richard Freitag. Peter Prevc from Slowenia was seventh and so atheltes from seven different nations were among the Top 7. Japanese Taku Takeuchi came in eighth.


Bardal only 14th, but Norway with a strong team performance


Anders Bardal was only 14th on Sunday and behind Sklett, Anders Fannemel and Rune Velta he was only fourth best of the Norwegian team. Andreas Stjernen was 16th and so they were the strongest team on Sunday.


In the overall World Cup ranking Kofler extended his lead with his podium finish. He scored 994 points so far. Bardal is second with 907 points, Gregor Schlierenzauer, who did not compete in Japan, is third with 866 points.


Complete results as pdf-file


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